Summer, what summer?
Well, I foolishly thought the summer months would be slow here at KSU and lined up a number of projects to work on. I am conducting an Information Literacy Workshop for TAG Education Faculty, submitting a survey for IRB approval (which will hopefully lead to an article publication), creating online modules for some education classes in the fall, and creating a 4 session training orientation for Education Graduate Assistants, plus my normal desk hours.
This would normally be just enough to keep me busy, what I didn't plan on was the number of requests for actual library instruction I would get. I have 6 scheduled for the next month. Now this wouldn't be so bad either, except that I'll miss 8 days for a conference in New Orleans, plus I am taking the first week of July off because Norma (paul's mom is visiting).
Did I mention that in my crazyness I thougth we should have a bbq on July 2? Now in addition to all my professional work, I have to plan a bbq for anywhere from 5-50 people.
Hmmm, maybe I need an assistant.