Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Reappointment, sweet!

Well the last few days have been stressful. I have been working to finish up a 2nd master's degree (this one in education). It has been especailly difficult because I am in a different state and trying to finish up everything long distance. Last week I took and passed my comps (comprehensive exam of everything from all my course work). All that was left to do was write up the last 2 chapters of my research project. According to the commencement web site that doesn't need to be turned in until April 13, but my advisor e-mails me and tells me it has to be in by March 1st!!!!!!! Hello, that is a week from today!!!!! So yesterday in my befuddled and medicated mind (yup, still sick!!) I finished it. Now I am just waiting for my advisor to give me feedback or suggest corrections, I'll make those and send it off and it will be done!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today however has been pretty stressfree. I got my letter stating that I was reappointed, which is great news because that means I'll have a job next year. For those who don't know until I have earned Tenure (in my 6th year) I have to put together a portfolio every year with a narrative explaining what I have done and what my goals are for the upcomming year. Then this goes to a committee of my peers and they make a recommendation to the Dean, who makes a recommendation to the Provost. My reappointment letter from the Dean said I was doing great and had accomplished a lot of things in the short amount of time I have been at Kent (6 months). So I am pretty excited.