The end is in sight...
Thank goodness this semseter is almost over. Just 4 more weeks to go. I have my last two instruction session scheduled for next week and then freedom, well atleast from teaching. Don't get me wrong I love teaching and working with the students. It is just that this semester has been so crazy (50+ sessios) that I have had little time for any other work.
So next week I finally get to start catching up on my research and planning the workshop I have for faculty on Dec. 1. Not to mention studying for my GRE. (Yes I took it in 1999 but those scores are only good for 5 years and since I am applying to a Ph.D. program I need to retake it). I hope to take my GRE over the Christmas break and work on my application packet. Maybe even make my appointment for my writing sample.
Girl, you like to keep busy!
Good luck V.
Wow good luck on the test! You'd think they wouldn't need another GRE score since you already have a masters - silly red tape.
How smart is too smart? should be careful not to overload that cute little brain of yours. I'd hate to have Paul come home one day to find that you have a TILT light flashing in your eyes from education overload. I'm thinking Paul needs to find a therapy group for his wife. "Women obsessed with education...and the men who love them." ... Next, on Oprah.
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