Sunday, October 14, 2007


Well I have both my midterms tomorrow. Law & Higher Education and Employement Law. I just finished studying for Law & Higher Education and i feel pretty confident for it. I am less confident about my Employement Law class. But I have atleast 5 more hours in me before my brain explodes. While this is challenging I do enjoy it, I haven't felt this challenged for awhile and that is a little rewarding (and scarey). The exams are long and are senerio based, so the proff gives us situations and then we have to determine if certain laws apply and why, not quite sure how this will be accomplished with a multiple answer format, but that is what he said it will be.
I may go and take a walk to let my brain reboot before switching topics. If is a beautiful day here, right around 60 and sunny. I did go out earlier and pick a green pepper and tomato from the garden. My poor garden it is so neglected. Next weekend I plan on spending lots of time with it.


Blogger Sam said...

Once again, you will have no problem. You were born to do this kind of work. I'm sure it can be a bit tiring especially when you'd rather be working in the garden or playing with the pets. You're getting smarter and smarter everyday.

6:04 AM  

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