Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Well the husband did it. Yesterday he met with an advisor and scheduled 3 classes for the fall semester. Art history, English Comp II, and some lame history class. I am so proud of him! I know he will do brilliantly, as long as he doesn't fight with any of his professors. Poor thing has to eventually take physics and trig!!!! Oh, well better him than me.


Blogger Sam said...

I'm sure Paul will do just fine in school. It's just a matter of playing "their" game. Give the instructors what they want regardless of what you've learned in the past. You'll figure out your own studying technique. The benefit of going to school...all those co-eds. :-)

Words of advice: Don't let those uptight librarians catch you acting up in the library. You'll get the dreaded "Shhhhhh!" Ugh!

6:17 AM  
Blogger Paul-cant-dance said...

Library!? I get that at Home!

I'm not worried about trig or them other courses, I'm worried about having to actually take them all and not being able to test out. The sooner I can march to the Masters the sooner I can make more money and fix the house up.

7:55 PM  

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