Friday, January 05, 2007

Was I crazy?

Some of you know that I will be teaching as an adjunct for SLIS (school of library and information science) this semester. My questions is, was I crazy?
We have the syllabus and the first class outlined, but I am up to my eyeballs in reading to prep for the class. It is a research class and I really love the books we are using, but I have to read them plus all the articles and I really want to get it done by the start of the semester which is Jan 16! Not to mention there are 70 students enrolled (it is 3 sections, one inperson on the kent campus and 2 distance ed sites).
This is a great opportunity, not only for the additional money but it will help me decide if I really enjoy teaching enough to persue a Ph.D. If I don't enjoy the class then there might not be a reason to get a Ph.D.
Oh, did I mention I agreed to teach this class again in the fall and maybe even the summer?


Blogger Sam said...

Were you crazy? Yes. Can you do it? Yes. A piece of cake for you. I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful learning experience for both you and your students.

6:09 AM  
Blogger logoANN said...

at least you only have to read all that material once... in the summer, you'll be all set!

6:21 AM  
Blogger logoANN said...

at least you only have to read all that material once... in the summer, you'll be all set!

6:22 AM  

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