Husbands and pain...
This blog is dedicated to all the women who have husbands who insist on doing things when they are ill!
My darling husband (I am not being sarcastic, he really is a darling, he helps with housework and makes me laugh) hurt his back at sometime today (I actually think he hurt it yesterday doing something that no lady would really divulge). Instad of sitting back and letting me take care of him, he acts as if nothing is wrong. He walks around, climbs the stairs to get the ben gay, instead of asking me to do it for him.
We went upstairs to watch some tv and I got the heating pad for him to use while he sits in the lazyboy. He decides the lazyboy is too far from the wall where the plug is, so what does my husband with the injured back decide to do? He was going to try and move it!!!!!! What the fliping heck did he think he was going to do? So I moved it for him, after I caught him. His response? But I am the man, my response "you'll be a enuch (spelling?) soon if you don't sit down".
I finally got him to take some tylenol pm, which I practically had to force down his throat.
It is Brian's position that he never gets sick. Although he usually gets sick about once a year. He's the biggest baby the whole world proclaiming that he isn't "that sick." He still goes to work and class as if nothing's wrong which means he's sick for twice as long - of course!
Let's see if I got this straight. Everytime Paul said he had a pain in his back, you were in the room. Hmmm...coincidence? I'm not so sure. ;-)
Vanessa may be a pain in the @ss but certainly not the neck... I've got to stick up for my girl!
I plead the fifth...
Try drinking one Paul. It might help your back.
Husbands are notoriously bad patients! At least we can all count on that!
no pain no gain, I re-arranged an office yesterday and moved 20 inch monitors around today, and 18 computers. I'll teach that muscle spasm what a muscle spasm REALLY is!
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